Tagged: women entrepreneurship

The Secret Recipe of MompreneurshipThe Secret Recipe of Mompreneurship 0

The Secret Recipe of Mompreneurship

Everyone wants to be a part of this age of entrepreneurship and mothers are not staying out of the race. Mompreneurship is a thing and it has been growing on a global scale. In the last decade, there has been a significant rise in women-owned businesses. The old school thought that your career growth becomes stagnant once you become a mom does not stand true anymore, and numbers prove that.

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Tips From The Masters – Ace Personal Productivity as an Entrepreneur

All successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common – they know how to use their time to the optimum. Entrepreneurship may seem like a life of freedom but that freedom comes at a price. Being able to manage your time and add value to the time spent is one of the biggest challenges for an entrepreneur. The self-motivation and discipline, crucial for a fruitful journey of entrepreneurship, is not possible to achieve if you do not ace personal productivity.

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Stay Motivated – The Ups & Downs of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is tough, and not just for the want of a skill or a business acumen. When you take up the role of an entrepreneur, things get more self-driven. You are the one who has to put in the effort towards setting your goals, driving the growth of your business and yourself, and not being stagnant or running out of ideas. Balancing your entrepreneurial responsibilities with your personal life may become one of the many big challenges, along with the challenge to stay motivated through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

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Canada-India Acceleration Program For Women Entrepreneurship

The All India Council for Technical Education and Carleton University have come into partnership, supporting women entrepreneurship and to promote collaboration between India and Canada. The Canada-India Acceleration Program was recently announced by the Canadian Minister of Innovation, Science & Economic Development.