Tagged: startup hacks

3-step formula to get things done, for real 0

The 3-Step Formula To Get Things Done, For Real!

Is your planning exercise followed by an episode of you feeling overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done? If you can relate to this feeling, you need the 3-step formula to get things done, for real! Something as simple as this formula is all you need to carry out flawless planning and optimum execution.

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GDPR – A Big Transition in the Indian Market?

Businesses across the world, especially startups, are dealing with a new concern – the new regulation called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 25th May onwards, the entire business world is going to undergo a transition and the question remains if this is going to impact innovation and businesses of Indian startups. Is GDPR in the Indian market going to bring in a big transition for businesses?

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Stay Motivated – The Ups & Downs of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is tough, and not just for the want of a skill or a business acumen. When you take up the role of an entrepreneur, things get more self-driven. You are the one who has to put in the effort towards setting your goals, driving the growth of your business and yourself, and not being stagnant or running out of ideas. Balancing your entrepreneurial responsibilities with your personal life may become one of the many big challenges, along with the challenge to stay motivated through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.