Tagged: productivity

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Tips From The Masters – Ace Personal Productivity as an Entrepreneur

All successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common – they know how to use their time to the optimum. Entrepreneurship may seem like a life of freedom but that freedom comes at a price. Being able to manage your time and add value to the time spent is one of the biggest challenges for an entrepreneur. The self-motivation and discipline, crucial for a fruitful journey of entrepreneurship, is not possible to achieve if you do not ace personal productivity.


Sedentary Lifestyle – A Slow Death for your Business

A sedentary lifestyle is the new smoking! Increasing number of employers are now taking up the responsibility of getting their employees on their feet. A sedentary lifestyle is not just detrimental to the physical or the mental health of an employee, but it directly impacts the overall performance and health of an organization as well. The responsibility of the employers is not just to educate their employees about this threat, but also engage resources and try to eliminate the risks of the “sitting disease” among their employees.

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5 Surefire Ways To An Organized Desktop & Increased Productivity

Every desktop contains an endless number of documents, media, and screenshots, that have been there for a while and now remain forgotten. Days, weeks, and months go by without ever revisiting these files on your system and within no time they turn into nothing but “forgotten junk” on your desktop. If this sounds like the story of your life, you desperately need an organized desktop to increase your productivity.