Tagged: featured

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The 3-Step Formula To Get Things Done, For Real!

Is your planning exercise followed by an episode of you feeling overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done? If you can relate to this feeling, you need the 3-step formula to get things done, for real! Something as simple as this formula is all you need to carry out flawless planning and optimum execution.


Indian Techies & Their Dominion Over Silicon Valley

Indian techies are dominating the Silicon Valley, as they escalate themselves through powerful positions in some of the most powerful companies. They have moved across the seven seas and expanded the technological boundaries on a global scale with innovation and ideas. These talented Indians have not only earned a name for themselves but have also brought success and pride to the nation.

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Tips From The Masters – Ace Personal Productivity as an Entrepreneur

All successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common – they know how to use their time to the optimum. Entrepreneurship may seem like a life of freedom but that freedom comes at a price. Being able to manage your time and add value to the time spent is one of the biggest challenges for an entrepreneur. The self-motivation and discipline, crucial for a fruitful journey of entrepreneurship, is not possible to achieve if you do not ace personal productivity.

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Why Encourage A Good Laugh At The Workplace

Among the various tips and tricks for finding success and productivity at work, a little bit of laughter is one of the most important and probably the easiest to implement. A light-hearted and fun office is the place that inspires milestones and success, which makes it all the more important to encourage a good laugh at the workplace.