The 3-Step Formula To Get Things Done, For Real!
Is your planning exercise followed by an episode of you feeling overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done? If you can relate to this feeling, you need the 3-step formula to get things done, for real! Something as simple as this formula is all you need to carry out flawless planning and optimum execution.
“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan” -Eleanor Roosevelt
What stands out about this formula is its universal applicability. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a young professional at work, or a freelancer, planning is crucial to get work done and you can use this formula to make things work for you. One needs to understand firsthand is that just planning is not enough unless it’s a smart plan. Coming up with ideas is not enough unless you do a good job at organizing them.
“Ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions” -Steve Jobs
The 3-Step Formula of Planning to Get Things Done
Step 1: Post-It
Step 2: Arrange it
Step 3: Take it & Make it
Step 1 – Post-It
Something as simplistic as post-it notes can be the secret of successful planning and execution. The simplicity of this step ensures that you are able to use this method to plan anything and everything.
This step resounds with the concept of mind-mapping.
Take all the crazy ideas that pop into your head, even the ones that overwhelm you, and write them down on individual notes. Lay it all in front of you because you can only handle something when you see it in front of you. Use a wall or a desk to stick your notes so that they are visible and accessible easily.
Step 2 – Arrange it
Endless ideas on numerous post-its are going to be nothing more than an unusable mess if it is unarranged.
Once everything that’s in your mind is physically visible to you, organizing your ideas is going to be a lot easier. Arrange your notes in groups, eliminating the ones that you don’t like. These groups can form different parts or stages of your plan. Once you are done creating separate groups, arrange them in a sequence.
This is where the huge overwhelming mess in your head starts shaping up into something sensible and executable.
Step 3 – Take it & Make it
This is one very simple and very crucial step to the entire process. “Take” one idea on one post-it at a time, and “Make” it happen. Once you are done executing one idea, move on to the next one, and so on.
This one-by-one approach will ensure that you dedicate your attention to one thing at a time, which is essential to get results and add value to your plan.
Plan Your Execution, Execute Your Plan
This planning exercise is super simple and super effective to get things actually done instead of just having ideas float around wildly in your mind.
Only when you plan your execution will you be able to execute your plan optimally and get the results you want.
Put yourself in a work environment that is distraction-free and inspiring at our coworking space in HSR Layout, and plan away!
What is your formula for getting things done?