Category: News and Trends


5 Places to eat in Indiranagar under 500 Rs

When you live or work out of Indiranagar, you understand that everything comes at a cost.The food is expensive, beer is expensive. Sigh. Not anymore.

Here’s presenting budget restaurants in Indiranagar where you can eat like a king with less than 500 Rupees:



The typical kerala beef house where you can relax, order meals and have fish and beef to go by the side. With their meals starting at 70 Rupees, you know you don’t have to worry about skipping a meal next time it’s the month end and you’re visiting Indiranagar.We recommend Beef Fry, Appam, Kerala Paratha, Beef Roast, Crab Roast, Kerala Biryani, Chicken Biryani.

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The other side of mahatma gandhi 0

Knowing the other side of Mahatma Gandhi

The Mahatma and the Poet

Between 1915 and 1941, Mahatma Gandhi — who was assassinated on January 30, 1948 — exchanged a series of letters with Indian poet, philosopher, and celebrated creative spirit Rabindranath Tagore, debating such subjects as truth, freedom, democracy, courage, education, and the future of humanity as India struggled for its independence.

Independence Day

[I feel] compelled to utter a truism in asserting that physical catastrophes have their inevitable and exclusive origin in certain combination of physical facts. … We, who are immensely grateful to Mahatmaji for inducing, by his wonder working inspiration, freedom from fear and feebleness in the minds of his countrymen, feel profoundly hurt when any words from his mouth may emphasize the elements of unreason in those very minds — unreason, which is a fundamental source of all the blind powers that drive us against freedom and self-respect.

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The Future of Co-working: Trends, Triggers and More

Conventional 9-to-5 work days and workplaces are on their way out. While traditional organisations are increasingly adopting flexi-hours and work-from-home concepts, newer ideas such as co-workers and nomad workers are sounding the death knell for the conventional work day.

Unprecedented growth in co-working spaces

Since 2005, when the concept of co-working first had its humble origins, the concept is seeing unprecedented traction and impressive growth. According to Deskmag, there will be 10,000 new workspaces added to the existing pool by the end of 2016. More than 80% of co-working space owners around the world expect higher revenues and growth in the number of members. This, when the concept is just catching on in India and the rest of Asia!

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Types of Flexible Working Spaces

The rise of a new generation of workforce has led to the phasing out of the traditional way businesses and office spaces have operated. Over the past couple of years, many have claimed that the traditional office has become obsolete, and it has been replaced by flexible working places like business lounges, co-working spaces and short term serviced offices.

Reports reveal that over the past few years, serviced office spaces in major commercial markets such as United States, and the United Kingdom have grown over 10-15%, and analysts peg this figure for India to be over the 15% mark.

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The benefits of Co-working Spaces for Startups

Starting your own business is accompanied with a myriad of responsibilities. Finding the right people, right workplace and managing them optimally are some of the most crucial responsibilities of an entrepreneur.

The advent of shared office spaces or co-working spaces over the last decade, has provided an ideal solution for startups.

Coworking spaces can provide a huge range of benefits to start-up businesses who are looking to find a community to grow their business and develop ideas that may revolutionize their industry. Some of the most successful startup businesses in recent years have been the product of co-working spaces. Below, we look at some of the advantages of co-working spaces for start-ups.

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Activity based working in coworking spaces 0

Tied up to a chair in your office? Try Activity Based Working.

When we think about an office, the first image that flashes in our minds is that of a crowded desk place where people are busy gawking at their screens. This is what we know an office to be. However, of late there has been an increasing shift in this image of an office.

Two decades ago, we saw the emergence of open plan offices and hot desks (and by ‘we’, it’s meant the developed continents like Europe and Australia, as for India, the experimenting started much later).

These open plan offices and hot desks, largely aimed at creating a less stressful and more productive work environment by breaking the conventional hierarchies of traditional offices. Over years, companies worldwide have realized the need to break the monotony of a traditional office and foster what is commonly called an activity based workplace.

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Commercial Real Estate Demand 5

Demand drivers of Commercial Real Estate in India

Real estate market trends are often regarded as the bellwether for the overall economic conditions. In India, real estate is the second largest employer after agriculture and is slated to grow at 30 per cent over the next decade.

Amongst the largest four subsectors, i.e. housing, retail, hospitality and commercial, the commercial real estate demand is witnessing a robust growth lately.

Demand for office space across India was 26 million square feet last year, while it is expected to reach 28 million square feet this year, said Mr Nair, chief operating officer, at Jones Lang LaSalle India.

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Benefits of Working in a Serviced Office Space

Changes all around us, including economic factors, are compelling businesses to re-evaluate the way they do business and develop alternative approaches to work.

Over the past decade, serviced office space, broadly categorized into coworking spaces and business centers, are rapidly upsurging.

Unlike a traditional office, a serviced office does away with all the inconvenience of setting up and maintaining an office along with additional benefits of economic feasibility, networking opportunities, better workplace connectivity, latest technology, and a more ‘green’ workplace.

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The Age of Freelancers: Tracing the Causes

One of the most crucial discussions surrounding the workforce revolves around the rise of Freelance economy.

The traditional teams and offices are increasingly replaced by the virtual ones. Employees once stayed with a company for five years minimum, today’s employees are more likely to be working with five companies at once.

Independent contracting or self-employment has become the top choice for professionals looking to live a life on their terms while working at their pace. Corporate downsizing, monotonous and repetitive workflow, hierarchy at work, and employee dissatisfaction are some of the few reasons why professionals find freelancing as a goldmine of opportunities. According to the labor research firm, the Economic Modeling Specialists, there was a significant surge in the number of freelancer from 20 million in 2001 to 32 million in 2014 globally.

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