Category: Featured

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Why Encourage A Good Laugh At The Workplace

Among the various tips and tricks for finding success and productivity at work, a little bit of laughter is one of the most important and probably the easiest to implement. A light-hearted and fun office is the place that inspires milestones and success, which makes it all the more important to encourage a good laugh at the workplace.


Top 6 Leadership Quotes from Avengers Infinity War

There is more to superheroes than being gifted and fighting evil. They are gifted humans with real emotions and the emotional quotient they work on every day, to become the excellent leaders they are. Superheroes have a way of inspiring you to become one in your own accord. They push you to recognise your strengths, overcome your weaknesses, and find the integrity to make a decision that is right. Here are some of the best quotes from the Avenger Infinity War which will have you walk out of the movie, a better leader.

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Is Newspaper A Survivor In This Era of Digital News?

Entertainment and news are among the top sectors that are tapped into on a smartphone today. The exponential growth of digital media platforms has been possible because of this. The big question this World Press Freedom Day is, have digital media news platforms replaced the printed newspapers in India? Is digital media the future of journalism? Is newspaper a survivor in this era of digital news?


Sedentary Lifestyle – A Slow Death for your Business

A sedentary lifestyle is the new smoking! Increasing number of employers are now taking up the responsibility of getting their employees on their feet. A sedentary lifestyle is not just detrimental to the physical or the mental health of an employee, but it directly impacts the overall performance and health of an organization as well. The responsibility of the employers is not just to educate their employees about this threat, but also engage resources and try to eliminate the risks of the “sitting disease” among their employees.

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Stay Motivated – The Ups & Downs of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is tough, and not just for the want of a skill or a business acumen. When you take up the role of an entrepreneur, things get more self-driven. You are the one who has to put in the effort towards setting your goals, driving the growth of your business and yourself, and not being stagnant or running out of ideas. Balancing your entrepreneurial responsibilities with your personal life may become one of the many big challenges, along with the challenge to stay motivated through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

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The Coworking Movement – Bright Future for Landlords & Property Managers

The coworking industry is no less than a movement, with benefits that are being enjoyed by many! Companies have seen major improvements in their business like opportunities and entry in new markets, outsourced management of office, beautiful designs, and flexible work environment. Question arises regarding the coworking benefits and the future of landlords and property managers in this whole scenario.

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Watch How: Save Money for Startups & SMEs

Every big company started small at some point. Limited access to resources, capital, and uncertainty of the extent of liabilities for the business are some of the few challenges every entrepreneur has to deal with in the initial stages of the business. This is the reason why it’s crucial for entrepreneurs to get creative and come up with ways to save money for startups and SMEs.

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12 Tips To Create A LinkedIn Profile That Gets Noticed

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for branding & development of yourself and your business. People use it, but very few really know how to harness its potential to the fullest. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for showcasing your skill-set, receiving recommendations, finding potential resources, and connecting with potential employers. This is a great platform not only to find a job but also to give a boost to your career if used optimally. InstaOffice brings to you 12 tips to create a LinkedIn profile that gets noticed –

A Complete Guide to Tax Exemption for Financial Year 2018-19 0

A Complete Guide to Tax Exemption for Financial Year 2018-19

Tax planning is overwhelming for most of us. With the complex network of various sections, sub-sections, and provisions, it is crucial to completely understand tax provisions are applicable to you, and what can work for or against you. If you are losing your sleep over your taxes, look no further. We bring to you a complete guide to tax exemption for the financial year 2018-19.

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How to Save Money & Plan Taxes this Financial Year 2018-19

Every 31st March brings with it the opportunity to plan the financial year ahead, better than last year. A healthy financial plan is not just about planning your money, but also learning from and correcting the mistakes made in previous years. With a little bit of planning and some foresight, you can plan your finances and move towards your long-term financial goals. Find out how you can save money and plan taxes this financial year 2018-19.

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5 Surefire Ways To An Organized Desktop & Increased Productivity

Every desktop contains an endless number of documents, media, and screenshots, that have been there for a while and now remain forgotten. Days, weeks, and months go by without ever revisiting these files on your system and within no time they turn into nothing but “forgotten junk” on your desktop. If this sounds like the story of your life, you desperately need an organized desktop to increase your productivity.