Category: Employee Happiness

Top 10 co-working spaces in Bangalore 0

Top 10 co-working spaces in Bangalore

Bangalore is considered to be one of the best places to live in by many. Bangalore city is known for the charm, luxurious modern lifestyle. People look for luxury and comfort in every aspect of life. 

The weather of Bangalore has been a key attraction for the people. The morning is bright and sunny and the nights are cooler offering a pleasant stay. Bangalore is the top Indian city to experience high migration rate coming in not only from India but also from different countries.


The economy of Bangalore is flourishing and contributes hugely to the overall Indian tax revenue scenario.The best part about the economy of the city is that the central government invests heavily in the private sector that is growing in the IT and manufacturing industries. Moreover, Bangalore is known for its aviation domain and aerospace industry.

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Coworking Developing the Employee Quality of Work

Coworking, being at the forefront of the wave of unprecedented growth in the real estate industry, is definitely one of the places where employees are found to thrive most.  One of the main and most important reasons is that the employees find a vibrant community to work and collaborate with, along with a plethora of services at their disposal, like free tea/coffee, a huddle area and wonderful events to attend

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Coworking Developing the Employee Quality of Work

Coworking, being at the forefront of the wave of unprecedented growth in the real estate industry, is definitely one of the places where employees are found to thrive most.

One of the main and most important reasons is that the employees find a vibrant community to work and collaborate with, along with a plethora of services at their disposal, like free tea/coffee, a huddle area and wonderful events to attend – giving them something new and exciting to look forward to even when they’re stuck doing the same thing for days!

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What makes a great team leader ? 1

What Makes a Great Team Leader?

John Maxwell, author and authority on leadership, famously said: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

An entire galaxy of inspirational Indian business leaders from the past have shown the way, by building institutions that continue to enrich the lives of millions of Indians to this day. Think of the achievements and contributions of men like Jamshetji Tata, G.D Birla, Walchand Hirachand Doshi, JRD Tata, Dr. Verghese Kurien, Russi Mody, Sumant Moolgaokar and F.C.Kohli. Business leaders such as Ratan Tata, N R Narayana Murthy, Azim Hashim Premji, Nandan Nilekani and Yogesh Chander Deveshwar are admired for their achievements and leadership qualities in contemporary India today.

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Offices that Foster Creativity, Efficiency and Collaboration

39% of employees surveyed in a recent study felt that people within their organizations did not collaborate enough, while 86% of executives and employees “cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures.”

While these statistics shed light on a need for more collaborative and creative offices, they have also led to one side learning from the other.

Large corporations like Google, Facebook and Virgin America have embraced this need and their office space reflects their ethos.

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It’s Important to Align Office Space and Office Culture

Office space and office culture, when deeply intertwined, can immensely affect employee attitude towards their company.

A 2014 study entitled ‘The relative benefits of green vs lean office space’ found that while the minimalist look might be the height of fashion, it was making most employees feel pretty low. Just adding some small personalized elements can hugely improve morale and productivity.

There was a time when a cubicle represented not drudgery and sameness, but freedom and individuality. As a reaction to this office environment, Herman Miller originated the first panel-based office plan, then called the “Action Office.” Designers Robert Probst and George Nelson intended the Action Office to be a space where efficiency and productivity could reign, without trampling the needs of the individual.

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How to keep your employees happy | InstaOffice blog 0

How to keep your employees happy and stop them from leaving

Booming startups and their need to attract the best talent have strengthened the perception of money not being the sole source of employee satisfaction. Rather, it’s the little things the company does which add value to it!

Companies are increasingly becoming people-centric and the adoption of employee platforms is on the rise. Only some minor adjustments can easily achieve the happiness of a company. It is always beneficial for the founder to define the organisation’s work culture pre-emptively so that they don’t have to face future tussles within the system.

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Diwali celebration at business centre in Sohna Road 0

Diwali celebrations at our centres

As the festive season draws near, it sweeps everyone in the wave of happiness and we at InstaOffice found yet another reason to celebrate. This Diwali, we took advantage of the festivities and did something of our own to celebrate Diwali with the family we have in our spaces. While the sight of lamps and flowers greeted you at the door, it were the ethnic dresses that were the real eye catcher. Not just the dress code, but there was a lot more up the team’s sleeves.

The pop

With balloons everywhere, the team began the celebrations with a balloon activity. The *pop* of the balloon was to be followed by an introduction of the person along with their best/craziest Diwali memory.

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How to Deal With Your ‘Bossy’ Boss

These days, business leaders do not believe in the autocratic style of leadership anymore. With flatter organizational hierarchies, emphasis on teamwork and the growth of social media, the abuse of power by bosses is less rampant today. Managers are tweaking their leadership styles and learning to be more communicative.

However, leaders who still follow older styles of leadership do exist. Here’s how they continue to make employees miserable today, and some tips to help you deal with them.  

Not giving credit where it’s due

A common complaint is about bosses who do not give credit where it is due. They forget to acknowledge the individual who came up with the winning idea or worse, they take the credit themselves. Often, in the rush to complete a project, the acknowledgement is made too late, and by that point the employee is bitter and demoralized. There’s also the ‘fair weather boss’ who blames the employee when things go foul.

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Why you should have friends at work ? 0

Why You Should Have Friends at Work

We live in an era when a major chunk of our daily lives is spent at our workplaces. Our workplaces become our home away from home, and our co-workers are the people that we spend most of our waking hours with.

On average, an employee spends close to 50 hours a week at work. Given that such huge chunks of our lives are being invested in work, it is clearly important to figure out ways to stay happy at work.

While there are those that argue that personal relationships in the workplace can hamper efficiency and productivity, it is equally true that spending the majority of your day without friendly faces to look at and a mountain of work to deal with can be a recipe for depression and burnout. Such a situation can only lead to employees being miserable at work, and eventually dreading the idea of going to work.

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Keeping employees motivated in office 0

5 Tips to Help You Motivate Your Employees

If you are an entrepreneur with a growing business, maximizing revenues and increasing productivity is paramount to ensuring the survival of your dream project. And one of the most important things for your business is keeping your staff happy, engaged and motivated.

For a first time employer, it’s essential to understand that motivated workers are productive workers—but how do you motivate a group of employees to work hard and help your business grow?

Luckily, motivating your employees doesn’t have to consume a lot of resources. In fact, all it needs is a little effort and attention. Here are some tips to get you started.

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