Co-working space or regular office? Here’s your answer.
In this era of the popularity of flexible and Coworking office spaces is on the rise and continues to challenge traditional conceptions of what an office space could be and should look like.
Everyone has a different personality and no business or employee approaches their work in the same way, meaning that different office approaches are suited to different people and or companies and organisations.
As far as the definitions go ‘Traditional Offices’ are solely yours, which means only employees of one company can use that one particular office. Each person is given a cubicle or private office.
From getting an internet connection to finding furniture, from hiring an office manager to equipment, every element is your decision.
In case of Coworking spaces, these are places where you share the working area with other members who may include different companies and even maybe different professions. Besides offering you a chair and desk, a coworking package includes all the amenities you can possibly need. From business-grade Wi-Fi to free coffee, these workplaces take care of all these and more requirements.
Keeping this in mind, here are the advantages and disadvantages of each coworking space and a traditional regular office to help you decide which office should be the right choice for you.
Coworking Space
The coworking idea which soon turned into a phenomenon has taken the world by storm. Both businesses and freelancers alike are taking the opportunity to experience a work environment in a coworking office.
Atmosphere which grants Productivity
Working in a shared office space allows for flexible working hours with fewer routines and structure, which in turn supports productivity.
The decor is often quirky, bright, colourful and filled with inspirational quotes, which motivates employees. Coworking spaces tend to offer a much more relaxed atmosphere in comparison to traditional offices. Meaning, that employees feel less pressured.
A Scenery Change
The frequent change of people and scenery makes it feel like a special day every day, meaning that employees will never get bored and will always feel excited about the days coming ahead.
Social Interaction
Another advantage of working in a shared office is the infinite supply of networking opportunities that it provides. Working alongside different professionals who may work differently than you every day can help foster new business contacts and links within your industry, helping to create a valuable network of connections that could strengthen your business.
As coworking spaces provide a shared environment, they encourage social interaction and open communication. This helps you better identify business opportunities in ways that may not have been possible otherwise.
Flexible and Pocket-friendly
Almost all serviced offices offer readily available facilities that are included in the price, examples of which include reception areas, meeting areas, conference rooms, kitchen facilities and high-speed internet and top of the line softwares.
General office maintenance and bills are also included in the price. Meaning, that you won’t have to organise or pay for any work that may need doing. This makes shared office spaces very cost-effective for business owners and freelancers.
Coworking spaces tend to be affordable and cater to every professional’s needs. Many also offer flexible short-term and long-term contracts, allowing you to re-evaluate your office space as frequently as you want and need to.
No Extra Cost
Unlike traditional offices, renting out a flexible office space comes with no hidden costs. As businesses will pay a fixed monthly price that will cover everything from maintenance to taxes.
As the office will also be serviced and fully furnished, businesses won’t be required to make any changes.
Some people may find the social aspects of a shared office distracting, preventing them from taking full advantage of the constant changes in their surroundings.
It may not be your space alone
Coworking locations are normally filled with a range of clientele, from startups to multinational businesses. This means the coworking space cannot be branded by any one client. However, while most coworking locations are shared, it’s possible for one organization to occupy the whole premise. These arrangements allow companies to reap the benefits of coworking without sacrificing their autonomy and unique company brand.
Traditional Office Space
Workplace Relationships
Traditional offices allow colleagues to form strong workplace bonds with one another than in a coworking environment. Especially, given the fact that they know who they’ll be working with every day.
Employees are also able to work more directly with their supervisor or line manager. Meaning, that they build up a more positive relationship.
Employees will grow comfortable with their working environment and feel a sense of familiarity with their colleagues and workspace. This helps drive the feeling of comfort and satisfaction in the workplace, potentially improving workflow with productivity.
Working in a traditional office space also provides employees with a consistent stable routine, offering a feeling and reassurement of structure that helps employees feel familiar and content with their work environment. As a result, workers will feel at home with their routine and know exactly what’s expected of them each day.
Having your own private workspace means that you’re completely and utterly in control. You can swap and change whatever you like without having to worry about anyone other than your employees and workers.
You will have full control over your office environment. Meaning, that you can settle into the space on a long-term basis according to your wish. There will be no sudden surprises and you will be able to have that little bit more privacy by having your own personal desk and space as opposed to sharing a coworking space with others.
Workplace Relationships
Although, forming workplace bonds and relationships is important. A traditional office space may still lack more varied networking opportunities and social interaction opportunities. This may lead to your business missing out on very exciting business opportunities.
As a result of working in the same office day in and day out, employees may become too familiar with the environment they’re working in. Without a change of scenery, this may lead employees to feel that they are doing too much of the same thing and the feeling of boredom may rise, leaving them feeling burnt out and run down. In turn, this can lead to a lack of motivation and productivity.
Long-term Contracts and Upward-Only Rent Reviews
Traditional offices involve leasing the office from a landlord and typically require a long-term lease, tying businesses in for a minimum of three years. This means that businesses won’t be able to come out of the contract or leave the office space until the contract ends.
Adding to that, many traditional offices are also subject to an ‘upward-only’ rent review, which sees the parties agree that the rent payable after a review will not be less than the rent payable before the review.
As a traditional lease is longer, this limits businesses in so many ways. There is less flexibility for business needs, meaning that there is less room for businesses to grow and blossom.
Is Coworking the Right Choice for You?
Flexible offices are becoming a worthy adversary for traditional office space. However, whilst many businesses are attracted to the facilities and work environment that flexible spaces provide, a private office can still offer a great deal of benefits.
If you choose to have a look at coworking or shared offices then have a look at our Homepage. Check out Our flexible office Spaces especially designed to improve productivity and reduce your cost. Do you have any questions about how to find the right Coworking Space? Tell us in the comments below.